Working with babies in the future is a blessing.
Babies are the best little young people that could happen to anyone.People have babies everyday or every other day. How could people not love babies? They are the future doctors, lawyers, and and career pursuers. When babies are being birthed they need someone to take care of them and make sure everything is okay other than their parents being all in their faces suffocating them, that is when I come in by being a future doctor for babies.Pediatrics (also known as paediatrics) is the branch of medicine that deals with the medical care of infants, children, and adolescents. People ask me all the time, why babies? Why a doctor? I simply tell them babies need someone like us to help maintain their health and make sure they are healthy and are well taken care of. I will maintain and stay on this career path by going to Kenensaw State University and attending MoreHouse School of Medicine to pursue this career. Babies a new pedaitrician is coming to town!!!!!!!!!!,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=6fdb92639b9928a4&biw=1280&bih=779